# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Peter Hatina <phatina@redhat.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import LMIExceptions
from LMIBaseObject import LMIWrapperBaseObject
from LMIBaseClient import LMIBaseClient
from LMIUtil import lmi_wrap_cim_namespace
from LMIUtil import lmi_wrap_cim_class
from LMIUtil import lmi_transform_to_lmi
[docs]class LMINamespace(LMIWrapperBaseObject):
LMI class representing CIM namespace.
:param LMIConnection conn: connection object
:param string name: namespace name
def __init__(self, conn, name):
super(LMINamespace, self).__init__(conn)
self._name = name
def __getattr__(self, name):
Returns a :py:class:`LMIClass` object, but first it fetches the classes list from the
:param string name: class member, class name
:returns: class member or :py:class:`LMIClass` object
if name in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[name]
(class_list, _, _) = self._conn._client._get_class_names(self._name, DeepInheritance=True)
if name in class_list:
return lmi_wrap_cim_class(self._conn, name, self.name)
if '_' in name:
raise LMIExceptions.LMIClassNotFound(self.name, name)
raise LMIExceptions.LMINamespaceNotFound(self.name, name)
def __repr__(self):
:returns: pretty string for the object
return "%s(namespace='%s', ...)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name)
[docs] def classes(self, filter_key="", exact_match=False):
Returns a list of class names.
:param string filter_key: substring of a class name
:param bool exact_match: tells, if to search for exact match or substring
:returns: list of class names
**Usage:** :ref:`namespaces_available_classes`.
(class_name_list, _, errorstr) = self._conn._client._get_class_names(
self._name, DeepInheritance=True)
if not class_name_list:
return []
if filter_key:
if not exact_match:
filter_lambda = lambda n: n.lower().find(filter_key.lower()) >= 0
filter_lambda = lambda n: n.lower() == filter_key.lower()
class_name_list = filter(filter_lambda, class_name_list)
return class_name_list
[docs] def print_classes(self, filter_key="", exact_match=False):
Prints out a list of classes.
:param string filter_key: substring of a class name
:param bool exact_match: tells, if to search for exact match, or to search for a
matching substring
**Usage:** :ref:`namespaces_available_classes`.
for c in self.classes(filter_key, exact_match):
sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % c)
[docs] def cql(self, query):
Executes a CQL query and returns a list of :py:class:`LMIInstance` objects.
:param string query: CQL query to execute
:returns: :py:class:`LMIReturnValue` object with ``rval`` set to a list
of :py:class:`LMIInstance` objects
**Usage:** :ref:`namespaces_queries`.
(inst_list, _, errorstr) = self._conn._client._exec_query(LMIBaseClient.QUERY_LANG_CQL, query, self._name)
if not inst_list:
return []
return lmi_transform_to_lmi(self._conn, inst_list)
[docs] def wql(self, query):
Executes a WQL query and returns a list of :py:class:`LMIInstance` objects.
:param string query: WQL query to execute
:returns: :py:class:`LMIReturnValue` object with ``rval`` set to a list
of :py:class:`LMIInstance` objects
**Usage:** :ref:`namespaces_queries`.
(inst_list, _, errorstr) = self._conn._client._exec_query(LMIBaseClient.QUERY_LANG_WQL, query, self._name)
if not inst_list:
return []
return lmi_transform_to_lmi(self._conn, inst_list)
[docs] def name(self):
:returns: namespace name
:rtype: string
return self._name
[docs]class LMINamespaceRoot(LMINamespace):
Derived class for *root* namespace. Object of this class is accessible
from :py:class:`LMIConnection` object as a hierarchy entry.
:param LMIConnection conn: connection object
def __init__(self, conn):
super(LMINamespaceRoot, self).__init__(conn, "root")
[docs] def cimv2(self):
:returns: *root/cimv2* namespace
:rtype: :py:class:`LMINamespace`
return lmi_wrap_cim_namespace(self._conn, "root/cimv2")
[docs] def interop(self):
:returns: *root/interop* namespace
:rtype: :py:class:`LMINamespace`
return lmi_wrap_cim_namespace(self._conn, "root/interop")
[docs] def PG_InterOp(self):
:returns: *root/PG_InterIp* namespace
:rtype: :py:class:`LMINamespace`
return lmi_wrap_cim_namespace(self._conn, "root/PG_InterOp")
[docs] def PG_Internal(self):
:returns: *root/PG_Internal* namespace
:rtype: :py:class:`LMINamespace`
return lmi_wrap_cim_namespace(self._conn, "root/PG_Internal")
[docs] def namespaces(self):
:returns: list of strings with available namespaces
**Usage:** :ref:`namespaces_available_namespaces`.
return ["cimv2", "interop", "PG_InterOp", "PG_Internal"]
[docs] def print_namespaces(self):
Prints out all available namespaces accessible via the namespace `root`.
**Usage:** :ref:`namespaces_available_namespaces`.