Source code for LMIShellCache

# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Peter Hatina <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.

[docs]class LMIShellCache(object): """ Class representing a LMIShell cache. :param bool active: specifies, if the cache is active :param list classname_list: list of strings of cached class names :param dictionary class_dict: cached :py:class:`CIMClass` objects, where the key is the class name and value is :class:`CIMClass` object :param dictionary class_superclass_dict: dictionary, where the key is namespace and value is dictionary of classname:superclass """ def __init__(self, active=True, classname_list=None, class_dict=None, class_superclass_dict=None): self._classname_list = classname_list self._class_dict = class_dict if not class_dict is None else {} self._class_superclass_dict = class_superclass_dict if not class_superclass_dict is None else {} self._active = active
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clears the cache. """ self._classname_list = None self._class_dict = {} self._class_superclass_dict = {}
[docs] def get_classes(self): """ :returns: list of cached class names """ return self._classname_list
[docs] def set_classes(self, classname_list): """ Stores a new class names' list. """ self._classname_list = classname_list
[docs] def get_class(self, classname): """ :param string classname: cached class name :returns: cached :py:class:`CIMClass` object, if proper class name provided, None otherwise """ if not classname in self._class_dict: return None return self._class_dict[classname]
[docs] def add_class(self, cim_class): """ Stores a new :py:class:`CIMClass` object into the cache. :param CIMClass cim_class: :py:class:`CIMClass` object """ self._class_dict[cim_class.classname] = cim_class
[docs] def has_superclass(self, classname, namespace): """ :param string classname: cached class name :param string namespace: namespace name :returns: True, if the cache contains superclass to the given class name; False otherwise """ if not namespace in self._class_superclass_dict: return False if not classname in self._class_superclass_dict[namespace]: return False return True
[docs] def get_superclass(self, classname, namespace): """ :param string classname: cached class name :param string namespace: namespace name :returns: cached superclass to the given class name :rtype: string """ if not self.has_superclass(classname, namespace): return None return self._class_superclass_dict[namespace][classname]
[docs] def add_superclass(self, classname, superclass, namespace): """ Stores a new pair classname : superclassname into the cache. :param string classname: class name to be stored :param string superclass: super class name to be stored :param string namespace: namespace name of the classname """ if not namespace in self._class_superclass_dict: self._class_superclass_dict[namespace] = {} self._class_superclass_dict[namespace][classname] = superclass
@property def active(self): """ :returns: True, if the cache is active; False otherwise """ return self._active @active.setter
[docs] def active(self, val): """ Property setter for the property active. """ self._active = val