Interactive Interface

This section covers some features, that are present in the interactive interface or are related to the LMIShell.


When using the interactive interface of the LMIShell, you can use up/down arrows to navigate in history of all the commands you previously used.

Clearing the history

If you want to clear the history, simply run:

> clear_history()

Exception handling

Exception handling by the shell can be turned off – since then, all the exceptions need to be handled by your code. By default, LMIShell handles the exceptions and uses C-like return values (See section Return Values) To allow all the exceptions to propagate to your code, run this:

> use_exceptions()

To turn exception handling by the shell back on, run this:

> use_exceptions(False)


The LMIShell’s connection objects use a temporary cache for storing CIM class names and CIM classes to save network communication.

The cache can be cleared, see following example:

> c.clear_cache()

The cache can be also turned off, see next example:

> c.use_cache(False)


Interactive interface also supports tab-completion for basic programming structures and also for CIM objects (such as namespace, classes, methods and properties completion, etc).

Following code shows few examples:

> c = conn<tab>
> c = connect(

> lmi_service_class = c.root.c<tab>
> lmi_service_class = c.root.cimv2
> lmi_service_class = c.root.cimv2.lmi_ser<tab>
> lmi_service_class = c.root.cimv2.LMI_Service

> sshd_service = lmi_s<tab>
> sshd_service = lmi_service_class

> sshd_service.Stat<tab>
> sshd_service.Status

> sshd_service.Res<tab>
> sshd_service.RestartService(

> lmi_service_class.Req<tab>
> lmi_service_class.RequestedStateChangeValues
> lmi_service_class.RequestesStateChangeValues.Sh<tab>
> lmi_service_class.RequestedStateChangeValues.Shutdown
> # similar for method calls, as well

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