LMIUtil Package

class LMIUtil.LMIPassByRef(val)[source]

Helper class used for passing a value by reference. It uses the advantage of python, where all the dictionaries are passed by reference.

Parameters:val – value, which will be passed by reference

Example of usage:

by_ref = LMIPassByRef(some_value)
by_ref.value == some_value
Returns:value passed by reference.
class LMIUtil.LMIUseExceptionsHelper[source]

Singleton helper class used for storing a bool flag, which defines, if the LMIShell should propagate exceptions or dump them.

Returns:whether the LMIShell should propagate the exceptions, or throw them away
Return type:bool

Helper function to speed up associator traversal. Returns a list of tuples, where each tuple contains LMIInstance objects, which are in association.

Parameters:assoc_classes (list) – list of LMIClass objects, for which the associations will be returned
Returns:list of tuples of LMIInstance objects in association
LMIUtil.lmi_cast_to_cim(t, value)[source]

Casts the value to CIM type.

  • t (string) – string of CIM type
  • value – variable to cast

cast value in pywbem type

LMIUtil.lmi_cast_to_lmi(t, value)[source]

Casts the value to LMI (python) type.

  • t (string) – string of CIM type
  • value – variable to cast

cast value in python native type

Returns:whether the LMIShell should use the exceptions, or throw them away
Return type:bool
LMIUtil.lmi_isinstance(lmi_obj, lmi_class)[source]

Function returns True if lmi_obj is an instance of a lmi_class, False otherwise. When passed LMIInstance, LMIInstanceName as lmi_obj and lmi_class is of LMIClass type, function can tell, if such lmi_obj is direct instance of LMIClass, or it’s super class.

If lmi_obj and lmi_class is not instance of mentioned classes, an exception will be raised.


whether lmi_obj is instance of lmi_class

Return type:


Raises :



Function which either raises an exception, or throws it away.

Parameters:e (Exception) – exception, which will be either raised or thrown away
Returns:script name
Return type:string

Sets a global flag indicating, if the LMIShell should use the exceptions, or throw them away.

Parameters:use (bool) – specifies, whether the LMIShell should use the exceptions
LMIUtil.lmi_transform_to_cim_param(t, value)[source]

Helper function for method calls, which transforms input object into CIMInstanceName object. Members if lists, dictionaries and tuples are transformed as well. The function does not cast numeric types.

  • t (string) – string of CIM type
  • value – object to be transformed to pywbem type.

transformed LMIShell’s object into pywbem one

LMIUtil.lmi_transform_to_lmi(conn, value)[source]

Transforms returned values from a method call into LMI wrapped objects. Returns transformed input, where CIMInstance and CIMInstanceName are wrapped into LMI wrapper classes and primitive types are cast to python native types.

  • conn (LMIConnection) – connection object
  • value – object to be transformed into python type from pywbem one

transformed py:pywbem object into LMIShell one

LMIUtil.lmi_wrap_cim_class(conn, cim_class_name, cim_namespace_name)[source]

Helper function, which returns wrapped CIMClass into LMIClass.

  • conn (LMIConnection) – connection object
  • cim_class_name (string) – string containing CIMClass name
  • cim_namespace_name (string) – string containing CIMNamespace name, or None, if the namespace is not known

wrapped CIMClass into LMIClass

LMIUtil.lmi_wrap_cim_instance(conn, cim_instance, cim_class_name, cim_namespace_name)[source]

Helper function, which returns wrapped CIMInstance into LMIInstance.

  • conn (LMIConnection) – connection object
  • cim_instance (CIMInstance) – CIMInstance object to be wrapped
  • cim_class_name (string) – CIMClass name
  • cim_namespace_name (string) – CIMNamespace name, or None, if the namespace is not known

wrapped CIMInstance into LMIInstance

LMIUtil.lmi_wrap_cim_instance_name(conn, cim_instance_name)[source]

Helper function, which returns wrapped CIMInstanceName into LMIInstanceName.

  • conn (LMIConnection) – connection object
  • cim_instance_name (CIMInstanceName) – CIMInstanceName object to be wrapped

wrapped CIMInstanceName into LMIInstanceName

LMIUtil.lmi_wrap_cim_method(conn, cim_method_name, lmi_instance, sync_method)[source]

Helper function, which returns wrapped CIMMethod into LMIMethod.

  • conn (LMIConnection) – connection object
  • cim_method_name (string) – method name
  • lmi_instance (LMIInstance) – object, on which the method call will be issued
  • sync_method (bool) – flag indicating, if we are trying to perform a synchronous method call

wrapped CIMMethod into LMIMethod

LMIUtil.lmi_wrap_cim_namespace(conn, cim_namespace_name)[source]

Helper function, which returns wrapped CIM namespace in LMINamespace.

  • conn (LMIConnection) – connection object
  • cim_namespace_name (string) – CIM namespace name

wrapped CIM namespace into LMINamespace

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