# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Peter Hatina <phatina@redhat.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import sys
import hashlib
import pywbem
from LMIObjectFactory import LMIObjectFactory
# By default, the LMIShell does not use exceptions; LMIReturnValue
# is used instead (with proper error string).
[docs]class LMIUseExceptionsHelper(object):
Singleton helper class used for storing a bool flag, which defines,
if the LMIShell should propagate exceptions or dump them.
_instance = None
def __new__(cls):
Return a new :py:class:`LMIUseExceptionsHelper` instance, if no shared object is
present; otherwise an existing instance is returned. By default the
``use_exceptions`` flag is set to False.
if cls._instance is None:
cls._instance = super(LMIUseExceptionsHelper, cls).__new__(cls)
cls._instance._use_exceptions = False
return cls._instance
def use_exceptions(self):
:returns: whether the LMIShell should propagate the exceptions, or throw them away
:rtype: bool
return self._use_exceptions
[docs] def use_exceptions(self, use=True):
Property setter, which modifies the bool flag, which indicates, if the LMIShell
should propagate the exceptions, or dump them.
:param bool use: specifies, whether to use exceptions in LMIShell
self._use_exceptions = use
[docs]class LMIPassByRef(object):
Helper class used for passing a value by reference. It uses the advantage of python,
where all the dictionaries are passed by reference.
:param val: value, which will be passed by reference
Example of usage:
.. code-block:: python
by_ref = LMIPassByRef(some_value)
by_ref.value == some_value
def __init__(self, val):
self._val = {0 : val}
def value(self):
:returns: value passed by reference.
return self._val[0]
[docs] def value(self, new_val):
Property setter for the value passed by reference.
:param new_val: new value, which is passed by reference
self._val[0] = new_val
[docs]def lmi_get_use_exceptions():
:returns: whether the LMIShell should use the exceptions, or throw them away
:rtype: bool
return LMIUseExceptionsHelper().use_exceptions
[docs]def lmi_set_use_exceptions(use=True):
Sets a global flag indicating, if the LMIShell should use the exceptions, or throw
them away.
:param bool use: specifies, whether the LMIShell should use the exceptions
LMIUseExceptionsHelper().use_exceptions = use
[docs]def lmi_raise_or_dump_exception(e=None):
Function which either raises an exception, or throws it away.
:param Exception e: exception, which will be either raised or thrown away
if not lmi_get_use_exceptions():
(et, ei, tb) = sys.exc_info()
if e is None:
raise et, ei, tb
raise type(e), e, tb
def _lmi_do_cast(t, value, cast):
Helper function, which preforms the actual cast.
:param string t: string of CIM type
:param value: variable to cast
:param dictionary cast: dictionary with :samp:`type : cast_func`
:returns: cast value
cast_func = cast.get(t.lower(), lambda x: x)
if isinstance(value, (dict, pywbem.NocaseDict)):
return pywbem.NocaseDict({
k: _lmi_do_cast(t, val, cast) for k, val in value.iteritems()})
elif isinstance(value, list):
return map(lambda val: _lmi_do_cast(t, val, cast), value)
elif isinstance(value, tuple):
return tuple(map(lambda val: _lmi_do_cast(t, val, cast), value))
return cast_func(value)
[docs]def lmi_cast_to_cim(t, value):
Casts the value to CIM type.
:param string t: string of CIM type
:param value: variable to cast
:returns: cast value in :py:mod:`pywbem` type
cast = {
"sint8" : lambda x: pywbem.Sint8(x),
"uint8" : lambda x: pywbem.Uint8(x),
"sint16" : lambda x: pywbem.Sint16(x),
"uint16" : lambda x: pywbem.Uint16(x),
"sint32" : lambda x: pywbem.Sint32(x),
"uint32" : lambda x: pywbem.Uint32(x),
"sint64" : lambda x: pywbem.Sint64(x),
"uint64" : lambda x: pywbem.Uint64(x),
"reference": lambda x: x.path if isinstance(x, LMIObjectFactory().LMIInstance) else x
return _lmi_do_cast(t, value, cast)
[docs]def lmi_cast_to_lmi(t, value):
Casts the value to LMI (python) type.
:param string t: string of CIM type
:param value: variable to cast
:returns: cast value in :py:mod:`python` native type
cast = {
"sint8" : lambda x: int(x),
"uint8" : lambda x: int(x),
"sint16" : lambda x: int(x),
"uint16" : lambda x: int(x),
"sint32" : lambda x: int(x),
"uint32" : lambda x: int(x),
"sint64" : lambda x: int(x),
"uint64" : lambda x: int(x),
return _lmi_do_cast(t, value, cast)
[docs]def lmi_wrap_cim_namespace(conn, cim_namespace_name):
Helper function, which returns wrapped CIM namespace in :py:class:`LMINamespace`.
:param LMIConnection conn: connection object
:param string cim_namespace_name: CIM namespace name
:returns: wrapped CIM namespace into :py:class:`LMINamespace`
return LMIObjectFactory().LMINamespace(conn, cim_namespace_name)
[docs]def lmi_wrap_cim_class(conn, cim_class_name, cim_namespace_name):
Helper function, which returns wrapped :py:class:`CIMClass` into LMIClass.
:param LMIConnection conn: connection object
:param string cim_class_name: string containing :py:class:`CIMClass` name
:param string cim_namespace_name: string containing :py:class:`CIMNamespace` name, or
None, if the namespace is not known
:returns: wrapped :py:class:`CIMClass` into :py:class:`LMIClass`
lmi_namespace = None
if cim_namespace_name:
lmi_namespace = lmi_wrap_cim_namespace(conn, cim_namespace_name)
return LMIObjectFactory().LMIClass(conn, lmi_namespace, cim_class_name)
[docs]def lmi_wrap_cim_instance(conn, cim_instance, cim_class_name, cim_namespace_name):
Helper function, which returns wrapped :py:class:`CIMInstance` into
:param LMIConnection conn: connection object
:param CIMInstance cim_instance: :py:class:`CIMInstance` object to be wrapped
:param string cim_class_name: :py:class:`CIMClass` name
:param string cim_namespace_name: :py:class:`CIMNamespace` name, or None, if the
namespace is not known
:returns: wrapped :py:class:`CIMInstance` into :py:class:`LMIInstance`
lmi_class = lmi_wrap_cim_class(conn, cim_class_name, cim_namespace_name)
return LMIObjectFactory().LMIInstance(conn, lmi_class, cim_instance)
[docs]def lmi_wrap_cim_instance_name(conn, cim_instance_name):
Helper function, which returns wrapped :py:class:`CIMInstanceName` into
:param LMIConnection conn: connection object
:param CIMInstanceName cim_instance_name: :py:class:`CIMInstanceName` object to be
:returns: wrapped :py:class:`CIMInstanceName` into :py:class:`LMIInstanceName`
return LMIObjectFactory().LMIInstanceName(conn, cim_instance_name)
[docs]def lmi_wrap_cim_method(conn, cim_method_name, lmi_instance, sync_method):
Helper function, which returns wrapped :py:class:`CIMMethod` into
:param LMIConnection conn: connection object
:param string cim_method_name: method name
:param LMIInstance lmi_instance: object, on which the method call will be issued
:param bool sync_method: flag indicating, if we are trying to perform
a synchronous method call
:returns: wrapped :py:class:`CIMMethod` into :py:class:`LMIMethod`
return LMIObjectFactory().LMIMethod(conn, lmi_instance, cim_method_name, sync_method)
[docs]def lmi_isinstance(lmi_obj, lmi_class):
Function returns True if :samp:`lmi_obj` is an instance of a :samp:`lmi_class`, False
otherwise. When passed :py:class:`LMIInstance`, :py:class:`LMIInstanceName` as
:samp:`lmi_obj` and :samp:`lmi_class` is of :py:class:`LMIClass` type, function can
tell, if such :samp:`lmi_obj` is direct instance of :py:class:`LMIClass`, or it's
super class.
If :samp:`lmi_obj` and :samp:`lmi_class` is not instance of mentioned classes, an
exception will be raised.
:param lmi_obj: instance of :py:class:`LMIInstance` or :py:class:`LMIInstanceName`
which is checked, if such instance is instance of the ``lmi_class``
:param LMIClass lmi_class: instance of :py:class:`LMIClass` object
:returns: whether **lmi_obj** is instance of **lmi_class**
:rtype: bool
:raises: :py:exc:`TypeError`
if not isinstance(lmi_obj, (LMIObjectFactory().LMIInstance,
LMIObjectFactory().LMIInstanceName)) or \
not isinstance(lmi_class, LMIObjectFactory().LMIClass):
errorstr = "Use with types LMIInstance/LMIInstanceName and LMIClass"
return False
client = lmi_obj._conn._client
classname = lmi_obj.classname
namespace = lmi_obj.namespace
while classname:
if classname == lmi_class.classname:
return True
classname = client._get_superclass(classname, namespace)
return False
[docs]def lmi_script_name():
:returns: script name
:rtype: string
return os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
[docs]def lmi_associators(assoc_classes):
Helper function to speed up associator traversal. Returns a list of tuples, where each
tuple contains :py:class:`LMIInstance` objects, which are in association.
:param list assoc_classes: list of :py:class:`LMIClass` objects, for which the
associations will be returned
:returns: list of tuples of :py:class:`LMIInstance` objects in association
def make_key(path):
path.host = None
return hashlib.md5(path.classname.lower() + path.namespace.lower() + \
str({ k.lower() : v for k, v in path.keybindings.iteritems() })).hexdigest()
result = []
instances = {}
for assoc_class in assoc_classes:
conn = assoc_class._conn
# Reference properties
ref_props = [
ref_prop_name \
for (ref_prop_name, ref_prop) in assoc_class._cim_class.properties.iteritems() \
if ref_prop.type == "reference"
# Reference class names
ref_class_names = [
assoc_class._cim_class.properties[ref_prop].reference_class for ref_prop in ref_props
# Get instances, which will be joined as associators
for ref_class_name in ref_class_names:
(inst_list, out, err) = conn._client._get_instances(ref_class_name)
instances.update({ make_key(inst.path) : inst for inst in inst_list })
# Join associated objects
(assoc_instance_names, out, err) = conn._client._get_instance_names(assoc_class.classname)
for assoc in assoc_instance_names:
ref_list = []
for ref_prop in ref_props:
path = assoc[ref_prop]
# XXX: Some association classes report in key property a class, which its
# instances do not refer to.
inst = instances.get(make_key(path), None)
if inst:
lmi_wrap_cim_instance(conn, inst, inst.classname,
if len(ref_list) == len(ref_class_names):
return result