The tevent helper functiions
[The tevent API]


int tevent_timeval_compare (const struct timeval *tv1, const struct timeval *tv2)
 compare two timeval structures.
struct timeval tevent_timeval_zero (void)
 return a zero timeval
struct timeval tevent_timeval_current (void)
 return a timeval for the current time
struct timeval tevent_timeval_set (uint32_t secs, uint32_t usecs)
 return a timeval struct with the given elements
struct timeval tevent_timeval_until (const struct timeval *tv1, const struct timeval *tv2)
 return the difference between two timevals as a timeval if tv1 comes after tv2, then return a zero timeval (this is *tv2 - *tv1)
bool tevent_timeval_is_zero (const struct timeval *tv)
 return true if a timeval is zero
struct timeval tevent_timeval_current_ofs (uint32_t secs, uint32_t usecs)
 return a timeval in the future with a specified offset

Detailed Description


Function Documentation

int tevent_timeval_compare ( const struct timeval *  tv1,
const struct timeval *  tv2 

compare two timeval structures.

Return -1 if tv1 < tv2 Return 0 if tv1 == tv2 Return 1 if tv1 > tv2

Generated on 8 Feb 2010 for tevent by  doxygen 1.6.1